How Much Do Paddleboards Cost? (2024)

Like most things in life, you get what you pay for, and quality normally comes at a price. Spending a few extra pounds on any item can mean the difference between it lasting six months and lasting several years. This same train of thought should be applied when purchasing a paddleboard.

A simple search for paddleboards on the internet will show an array of results with boards costing anything from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand. So, how much does a paddleboard cost, and are cheap paddleboards any good?

How Expensive is a Paddleboard?

To put it simply, a paddleboard will cost anything from £400 to £1,700+. As with anything, the more you pay, the better quality board you’ll get. Generally, boards with a higher price will be built with quality materials, have a refined shape, last longer, and offer better warranties.

There are some pricing differences between inflatable and hard boards, which we outline below.

How Much Do Inflatable Paddleboards Cost?

You can expect to pay anything between £380 and £1,000 for a higher quality inflatable paddle board, with £600 being the average price.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. So if you see an inflatable paddleboard on sale for £150, don’t expect it to last long. Anything from this low-end price up to £300 would be considered a low-quality board and best avoided. These types of boards are widely available in the marketplace.

Low-cost boards are less durable with only a single layer of PVC, meaning you are more likely to experience blown seams, especially if you’re on the heavy side. If it’s performance and longevity you’re after, you’ll need to dig a little deeper into your pockets, but it will save you money long term.

Low-Cost Inflatable Paddleboard – £380 – £500

This is right at the low end of how much an inflatable paddle board should cost. At this price range, you’ll get a board that will be fine to use for sunny, flat water days in the summer, but it might not be reliable in other weather conditions.

Mid-Range Inflatable Paddleboards – £500 – £750

Spending that little extra can make all the difference. Mid-range quality inflatable paddleboards offer better construction, durability, and performance. These boards are made using advanced construction techniques and high-quality materials.

High-End Inflatable Paddleboards – £750 – £1,300

At the top end of the price bracket, high-end inflatable paddle boards offer incredible durability as well as high-end performance. These boards are constructed using advanced technology, which offers unbeatable stiffness, weight-saving stability, and a superior cosmetic finish.

How Much Do Composite (Hard) Paddleboards Cost?

Expect to pay anything between £500 and upwards of £2,000 or more for composite paddleboards. These types of boards generally cost more than their inflatable counterparts due to their more costly manufacturing process and more expensive shipping. Because of their solid structure, these boards are the most rigid, meaning you can use them in all water conditions without compromising performance.

Depending on the price, hard paddleboards can be made of various materials. At the cheaper end of the market, boards could be constructed from plastic or epoxy with a foam core. As you begin to look into purchasing a board in the middle price bracket, you would expect the board to be made of fiberglass and epoxy resin layered over wood or foam cores. At the top end of the market, you might find that boards have layers of fiberglass over a foam core or, at the very top end, a carbon cover over the board’s shell.

The disadvantage of having a rigid board is, of course, the fact that it will be more difficult to transport due to their weight and inability to fold away like inflatables.

Value for Money Hard Paddleboards – £500 – £800

Starting at the bottom end of the price range, value-for-money hard paddleboards offer good entry-level options. These boards are ideal for beginners and families looking for durability and versatility.

Mid-Range Hard Paddleboards – £800 – £1200

An extra investment can buy you a hard composite paddleboard suitable for both intermediate and more advanced users. These boards are often made of lighter, stronger materials and offer additional features for enhanced performance and durability.

High-End Hard Paddleboards – £1200+

Quality comes at a price, and high-end hard paddleboards are designed for serious enthusiasts. These boards are built with premium materials such as carbon and wood, offering top-notch performance, durability, and lightweight construction.

Paddleboard Warranties

Keep an eye out for the warranties offered, especially with inflatable paddleboards. This often indicates how much confidence the manufacturer has in their build quality and how long they expect the paddleboard to last.

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